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Test New

By Mischa Janiec


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Test New

30 min - Day 1

About Your Trainer
Mischa Janiec

Mischa Janiec is an all-natural vegan bodybuilder, fitness and lifestyle coach, and entrepreneur. Originating from Switzerland, and sharing Polish ancestry (and a passion for fitness) with his former bodybuilding father, Mischa is now a world traveler who inspires others by sharing his journey and insights online. He is highly knowledgable about the science of fitness and nutrition, and uses this passion to propel him on his ever-evolving path towards self-mastery. It is his mission to help others develop their physiques and confidence — and he uses his personal journey from a self-identified “lazy” teen with back problems to the superhero-strong man we see today, as proof of what’s possible. Mischa is not afraid of working hard, pushing boundaries, and embracing uncertainty. He is a rebel against conventional thinking, and enjoys challenging doubts and motivating others to rise to the occasion. He has already shattered many misconceptions, especially proving that bodybuilders can follow a plant-based diet and still gain muscle naturally. It's not often that you meet someone as raw and real as Mischa, but it is his honest and genuine approach that has helped him become a living embodiment of what true dedication and passion can do for your life.

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